Exvius: QoL Massively Updated!!!!!


I am SO stoked about the latest big update from Exvius! We got some quality of life updates that I’ve been desperately waiting for.

Here are some of the updates that I am most excited about:

NRG Carry Over

Prior to the update, unused stamina (NRG) would be lost upon leveling up. This was frustrating at times especially if I had a lot of stamina left over. After this update, upon leveling up, all unused stamina gets added on top of our stamina refresh. I don’t have to worry about stamina when leveling up anymore. Heck yes!!!

Arena Squads

Re-equipping squads for every type of battle can be time consuming and difficult to keep track of every build. Getting separate arena squads is SO awesome because now whatever builds I have in the arena won’t affect the builds that I have on my regular squads. I can finally move that Ribbon off of my Tilith and onto another unit on my arena squad mwahahaha!!! Most of my arena squad units have full status ailment protection now 😀

Trust Moogle Fusing

We can now fuse similar trust moogles together! Since I’m a bit of a hoarder, I’ve been holding onto a lot of trust moogles from raid farming – I guess I was hoping that I would get the unit(s) later on. It felt SO awesome to free up 40+ slots! Now I can store more gigantuars 😛

100% Trust Moogle

Apparently upon finishing Season 1 of the story, we will be awarded with a 100% trust moogle.  I don’t have any unit whom I’d like to use the 100% trust moogle on yet so I haven’t felt the urge to complete the story line. That said, I am definitely looking forward to getting it later.

Side note: RNGesus finally blessed me with an Orlandeau, WOOHOO!!! I’ve wanted him as a unit for a really long time so I’m ecstatic to have him now. I think he syncs well with A2 so I’ll need to get him geared up ASAP. I’m currently TMR farming Werei (Proud Fencer) and Cecil (Excalibur) and can’t wait to chain with him.

Speaking of TMR farming, check out this TMR Farming Calculator that I built. It’s useful for when you’re farming multiple units and just want to keep track of where you’re at by inputting their percentages as you go along. I use it most when I’m about to finish a TMR that I’m farming multiple units of. I hope it’s as useful for you as it is for me. Game on!

– V

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